
Give Birds the Good Life

Time: Nov 12, 2011 (09:00 AM)
Location: Donald E. Davis Arboretum


On Nov. 12, the Donald E. Davis Arboretum will host “Arboretum Days.” Arboretum Days is an approximately one-hour educational program designed for children age pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. The program begins at 9 a.m. at the Donald E. Davis Arboretum and features a nature-themed learning activity. The November event is titled “Give Birds the Good Life,” and will educate participants on how to recognize the many birds that will make Auburn their home throughout the winter. Instructors will also teach participants ways they can help the wintering birds thrive, including instructions on how to make tasty bird treats. There is no fee for Arboretum Days but pre-registration is required. 

To register call 334-844-5770 or send an email to with your child’s name and grade.